cun a San Mateo
Center - Initiatives - Community

cun a project
Cultural environment
Cultural environment

Tribu de la cuna
Tribu De La Cuna – Core Community and Community Network
For us, community is a key aspect of sustainable living today.
In order to give the realization and ongoing exploration of community life and work as beneficial and broad a framework as possible, the `Tribu de la Cuna´ will develop in two rooms or formats.
On the one hand within the framework ofcore community, whose members will live and work permanently or temporarily on the property of Cuna San Mateo. You can find out details about the structure and structure of this common room atcore community.
On the other handcommunity network, in which like-minded people in the vicinity of the Cuna San Mateo build and occupy self-contained, sustainable housing (e.g. yurts, ecological houses, etc.) on purchased or leased land, while in close connection and cooperation with the core community and to interact with the other members of the network. You can find out more atcommunity network.
Tribu de la Cuna

Core community
Community network in the San Mateo Rio Hondo region

The Cuna San Mateo Guest Center also serves as an open community space and meeting place, both for the members of the core community and community network of the Tribu de la Cuna, as well as for external visitors.
The core community of the Tribu de la Cuna is geared towards a more intimate and slowly growing community body in one place, with a higher degree of commitment and communal communication and decision-making processes .
The community network of the Tribu de la Cuna enables Community life in which individuals, families or groups in different places in the vicinity of the Cuna San Mateo build their own "autarky cells". Here, individual decisions and wishes can be made on their own, quickly and without joint decision-making processes . implemented.
In this way, community life and work can be designed and realized in different ways, so that there is also space and flexibility in the design of community interaction for the different, individual needs and life model designs.
The way begins
The beginning of the community building process in early 2023 marks a very important and significant moment of birth. The seed is being planted for a community project that will preserve and flourish the spirit of peace and sustainable living on our beautiful home planet... for all of us and for generations to come...
If you are as fascinated by the topic of community life as we are, you can use the following links to find out more about the planned core community and the community network of Cuna San Mateo
or contact us directlyContact

Living in harmony with creation
The people of the community "Tribu de la cuna" (core community and community network) strive for a way of life that is embedded in nature as comprehensively as possible, with extensive self-sufficiency for all members and visitors: locally biodynamic food, a sustainable water system for drinking and use - and industrial water and a 100% energy generation through solar, wind and water energy and other alternative energy generation methods.

Example image of a self-sufficient natural habitat in the Cuna San Mateo
So that this community can develop in a lively, sustainable and peaceful way in the long term, people who feel called to this kind of coexistence in this place need both the time to get to know each other and the lifestyle in this country in peace, as well as the Space to experience the necessary individual and community development processes.

These self-sufficient natural dwellings can come in different sizes and designs, and will always be designed in an intelligent, efficient and aesthetic manner. From energy generation, water storage and treatment to vegetable, fruit, herb and flower gardens, everything is combined here in a holistic, self-sufficient living space.
These dwellings for people and the cultivation areas should preserve and enrich the existing ecosystem and at the same time produce a wide variety of foods, spices, herbs and medicinal plants.

Seed for a tribe of the new time
What is home really, beyond flags and borders? What does community mean to us, beyond sports clubs, parties and social media groups?What does it affect us to step into a space in which we show ourselves completely authentically, with all our fears, our longing and our glow - and feel that we are held?
Community ... a modern tribe, locally rooted and globally networked. Individuality and community spirit in good balance.
A way to let the experiences and lessons of the past become the healing of life - for the birth of a new age of connectedness. "

by the ancient fire
Community, home, tribe ... words that have always touched a fundamental level of our existence in us humans, consciously or unconsciously - and often both a deep primal longing and a deep primal fear can be felt in us. In these words our need for support, protection and belonging resonates as well as our emotional wounds, which have arisen through betrayal, repudiation and denial.
On the one hand, the terms home and community stand for a deep feeling of peace, harmony and security and, on the other hand, are deeply connected with the burning areas of conflict in many families and friendships, right up to the great wars in human history.
What is home really, beyond flags and borders? What does community mean for us, beyond sports clubs, parties and social media groups? What does it touch in us to step into a room in which we show ourselves completely authentically, with all our fears, our longings and our glow - and feel that we are held?

We want to remember together in a circle and go on a research journey into how life and work in community can be implemented sustainably.
The time has come to plant a seed for a new and yet original tribal union, which is rooted in a deep connection with the earth and the entire cosmos - a union that preserves and carries through the knowledge of the unity of all existence in its center Realized heart-based ways of dealing with one another.
´ "Rainbow Tribe" art collaboration by Kuba Ambrose & Vera Atlantia

The vision of the ecological community - Tribu de la Cuna
The vision for the community "Tribu de la cuna" is inspired by many pioneering projects of a worldwide movement of ecological community initiatives. This includes large projects such as the Tamera healing biotope in Portugal, the Sieben Linden eco-village in Germany or the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland - and countless smaller projects around the world. These are networked around the world via platforms such as the Global Ecovillage Network and, as a grassroot movement, are creating ever stronger momentum for a real change towards sustainable lifestyles.