cun a San Mateo
Center - Initiatives - Community
cun a project
Cultural environment
Cultural environment
Cuna San mateo – Current state
After many years of patient construction, the Cuna San Mateo opened its doors in February 2022 and started guest operations and the initiation of the community building process.
On this page we show you, where we are and what is still needed. You will receive a regular update if youTelegram channelsubscribe
The Cuna san mateo - In the opening year 2022
The Cuna San Mateo in the creative year 2021/22
2021 is the year in which the Cuna San Mateo sees the light of day.
This year more is invested and built than in any previous year. Chepe and his team on site achieve almost superhuman and work with incredible dedication and perseverance. Our team in Europe also invests every free minute to join forces to achieve our common goal:
From February to May 2022 we had a first trial phase for our guest business.
From December 2022 we will again welcome visitors from all over the world - in new cabañas and with an expanded infrastructure.
It is also so important for us that the guest business is resumed because this will enable us to generate income so that the Cuna San Mateo will soon be able to stand on its own two feet financially.