cun a San Mateo
Center - Initiatives - Community

cun a project
Cultural environment
Cultural environment
cun a San Mateo
Oaxaca ~ Mexico
welcome to the Cuna San Mateo
Welcome to the highlands of Oaxaca, in southern Mexico.
We wholeheartedly invite you to visit the Cuna San Mateo on these pages,
to get to know our little eco-posada in the magical mountains of the Sierra Madre.
Nice that you're here!

Cuna means "cradle" in Spanish. The Cuna is a "cradle of life" that is characterized by holistic awareness ( C onciencia) , true community spirit (U nion), closeness to nature ( N aturaleza) and love ( A mor) is fulfilled to all living things.

With the Cuna, spaces and networks are to be created for a new and at the same time very original human existence in the appreciation of all beings and responsible freedom.
We want to support the global change towards sustainable, nature-loving and peaceful ways of life.
>> Live like a tree, single and free,
but brotherly like a forest, that is our longing <<
(Nazim Hikmet)
On a 5 acre portion of the property and in the
In the nearby municipality of San Mateo:
Guest center
The holistic visitor center of the Cuna:
Hostel, seminar and healing center.Local initiatives
Projects and impulses to promote more sustainable
Development in the San Mateo region.Community of San Mateo
A heart-based and sustainable concept
Research community and community.

With the Cuna San Mateo , an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable community of action and living is created with a seminar business, hostel and healing center.
The Cuna is also a holistic center for a solidarity and self-sufficiency network in the San Mateo (Rio Hondo) region.
These 3 elements together result in a holistic center for sustainable development. One of the main goals of the project is to realize a lively and tangible model for a nature-loving and self-sufficient way of life, and also to be specifically committed to sustainable development both regionally and globally.
Life and work in the Cuna ... first impressions
The cuna San Mateo ...
We would like to invite you to learn more about the Cuna San Mateo: where this project is being developed, in what geographical, climatic position and cultural environment it is embedded. On these three pages you can dive deeper into the beauty of the Oaxaca region, Mexico and learn more about life in the Cuna San Mateo.
realization of the Cuna san Mateo
The realization of a dream begins with a small step. We like to share with you ... how it all began and above all: what we plan to do, what has already been created, how you can get involved and much more. You get a comprehensive overview:
Shape, size, direction of the project
Schedule & current status of the project implementation (spring 2021)
What it takes now to develop the project further
How to stay up to date and become part of the Cuna-Tribes (as a supporter and also on site)
And: how you can now specifically support the project.

>> Inner peace is the basis for outer peace,
outer peace promotes inner peace <<
Holistic peace work
The heart of the Cuna is holistic peace work, which is based on a deep ecological and holistic understanding of the world. The central core value, namely the ethos of peace, is derived from this.
For us, the ethos of peace represents the basis for a coherent inner orientation towards holistic peace. The focus is on a simple core assumption: inner peace is the basis for outer peace, outer peace promotes inner peace.

The Cuna Project association (from which the Cuna San Mateo is supported) is essentially dedicated to researching and implementing holistic peace work on an individual, community and global level. The association also supports the creation of further Cunas and other sustainable projects that promote, guard and share peace.
On our club website
you can immerse yourself deeply in the holistic peace work as we live it in the Cuna.
It is time to create the basis for a healthy, free and livable future on our wonderful planet through conscious being, connection and love for all creatures of nature - for all of us and for the following generations.
You are wholeheartedly invited to get to know the Cuna San Mateo and to participate.
In love and solidarity
Carlos F. Miranda
and the Cuna team